Featured Member: Vik Manchanda

With a natural disposition for space and form, it’s clear that Vik is a photographer driven by connection – with his subjects, his environment, and himself. Ever in pursuit of voice and vision, his work speaks to the quiet beauty of life’s inflections, bringing a calm to this high-volume world.

Read on to learn a little more about Vik. Visit his website at www.vikmphoto.com.

Why did you become a photographer?
I had never planned on becoming a photographer. My first year I think I was pretty uncomfortable with that title “photographer” because I knew I was still finding my voice. I’m always learning and still developing my voice each day, but it has been a great creative outlet for me. Besides covering life expenses, seeing the world and meeting new people are two components to my life that I knew I wanted to build. Photography has given me that plus so much more.

What’s your creative process?
On the day of a shoot I typically like to spend at least 10-15 mins prior alone disconnected from the world, emptying out any thoughts circling around my head, and making myself fully present. Besides picking a location, and time of day prior to the shoot, I let things flow as naturally as possible. Always looking for interesting subtle light peaking out and new ways to compose an image. The formula is something that isn’t fully rational, but it deepens my vision.

Who are your favorite photographers?
It’s always changing, but some of my favorites at the moment include James Chororos, Jennilee Marigomen, and Cat Garcia to name a few.

Three words that define your style?

Natural – I’m big on waiting for the right moment to click, and that might mean I will stay in one position with my camera up to my face for 5 or 10 minutes. Everyone has their own process, but I don’t get too trigger happy. I wait.. wait, and wait some more, until my subject is completely themselves.

Quiet – The quiet moments are always there, whether it’s one subject I am photographing or two. Besides seeking out for the natural elements around me and my subject(s) at the time, there comes that moment where our energies all align, and we are all not thinking anymore and just being. That’s my favorite moment, that’s when I know we got it right.

Stories – I often will show a series of images that share one larger story, but I always strive to tell as much as I can through one image. Stories are important, I’m always curious about my subject and their own idiosyncrasies.



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